Sunday, 1 November 2009

Dog Obedience Tricks To Make Your Relationship With Your Dog A Rewarding One

When we go out and either buy our first puppy or rescue a dog from our local shelter, very few of us think very much about the problems we may invariably encounter or the training necessary to help our newly acquired friend become a pleasant addition to the household. This is where dog obedience tricks can be indispensable when it comes to basic commands for a well behaved dog.

Teaching dog obedience tricks isn't all about teaching orders to our furry friends, it's also about having fun together and ensuring your dog wants to be with you. How many times have you let your dog off the lead and he has run off to play with another dog or chase something? Could you make training the kind of activity that keeps your dog entertained and want to stay with you? It is hard work but is possible.

Keeping training sessions fun is very important but keep them down to around ten to fifteen minutes per session to avoid you both becoming tired and frustrated. You should also be prepared for the dog obedience tricks to take time to master, for both of you!

Sometimes it is easier to watch someone on a DVD or online demonstrating how the dog obedience tricks should be put into practice. Being at a dog training class can sometimes be very stressful, especially if everyone else seems to have a well behaved pet and Fido is dragging you all around the training ring too excited to concentrate. If you watch online you can put the commands into practice at any time of day to suit you both. If a training class is held at 6pm on a weekday, you may both be tired or you may not be home at that time because of prior commitments. With a training class online you can tune in when you are both feeling fresh and ready to go and work at your own pace.

Teaching dog obedience tricks can help you to build a lasting relationship with your dog and enable you to have a dog who is well adjusted and obedient.

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