Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Teach Your Dog the 'Leave It' Command

To teach your dog the 'leave it' command is an essential exercise if you have a dog that chews furniture, clothes or even chasing bicycles. This command could keep you and your dog out of danger.

Even though you many want to teach your dog the 'leave it' command to prevent them from chasing vehicles or destroying household items, begin teaching the command using dog treats or a chew toy. This is so they understand the command fully before proceeding to more advanced techniques.

Begin by putting a small treat or dog toy in your right hand and place it in front of your dog. Keep a reward in your left hand and place it behind your back. As your dog advances for the treat in your right hand say 'leave it'. Once he has moved away from the treat, either by moving his nose away from your hand or looking straight at you, reward him with the treat or toy in your left hand. To teach your dog the 'leave it' command successfully this exercise will need to be repeated several times until your dog understands this basic command.

Once your dog understands this basic exercise you can then teach your dog the 'leave it' command using different objects that will challenge each individual dog e.g. if your dog chases bicycles practice by asking a friend or a member of your family to cycle past you on in the street while you tell the dog to 'leave it'. If he does, reward him and praise him and then repeat the command. If not, walk in the opposite direction, focus the dog's attention back onto you, and when he is calm start again.

Obedience lessons are often easier understood if you can watch them being demonstrated by a professional trainer such as Dove Cresswell. To watch a free lesson of dog obedience tricks click here.

1 comment:

  1. This is a really informative post!
    I have purchased the online training and it is so much easier to follow than reading a book.
    Teaching basic commands makes life a lot more pleasant with your dog-keep it up!
