Wednesday, 7 July 2010

New approach to change dog laws

Veterinary professionals and animal welfare groups are demanding a new Dog Control Bill to replace the Dangerous Dogs Act which has been frequently criticised.

The Dangerous Dogs Act 1991, amended in 1997, was introduced after the tabloids hugely publicised injuries caused by various dogs. This act focuses on four breeds, the Pit Bull Terrier included, making it illegal to sell, breed or exchange dogs and making sure they are muzzled and on a lead in public.

The act received much criticism as it only enforces laws on specific breeds and not the owners. These laws have not reduced the amount of dog bite incidents, which have increased by 43% in the UK. Not only do the bite incidents continue to increase but so does the cost. In the past three years the Metropolitan Police have spent ten million pound to take, kennel and euthanise the banned breeds. Even so, some dog owners receive their dogs back after it has been proven that the individual dog has exhibited good behaviour.

The new Dog Control Bill was proposed by Liberal Democrats peer Lord Redesdale and is supported by members of the Dangerous Dogs Act Study Group. This Bill will keep the public safer as it targets the responsibilities of the dog owner as it has been proven that the temperament of a breed is only a small factor resulting in how it behaves. Also the Bill would make dog attacks on private properties a criminal offense as this is where the majority of attacks take place.

The Dangerous Dogs Act Study Group have begun a petition supporting the Dog Control Bill which has already received over 10,000 signatures.


  1. The Dangerous Dog Act needs to be changed in reguards to the amount of status dogs on the street, which have been trained to attack another dog for no reason. My 3 year old lab was attack on our own door step and police told us that dogs do attack other dogs.

  2. Dogs with responsible owners don't attack other dogs-and what happens when they attack a child? It's about time the police were given powers to remove dangerous dogs and protect innocent people who are responsible dog owners. I have had my dogs attacked and it made me very wary on walks of all dogs. Thankfully, after time I started to relax around other dogs and started to enjoy my walks. Come on government-make people take responsibility so that we can be safe on our streets again!
