Sunday, 4 July 2010

Travelling With Your Dog

Make sure your dog has a good walk before the journey begins. If your dog hasn't released enough energy before starting the journey then he will be extremely excited and cause you much more trouble. Give your dog at least 30 minutes exercise and he will be much calmer as he gets into the car and may even sleep as you travel.

1. Use a seat belt harness for your dog. This will not only make you both much safer if you have an accident but will also stop your dog from jumping around the car while you are trying to drive. A seat belt harness gives the dog enough space to move from lying down to standing up so will not make your dog panic at being restricted.

2. Be prepared if your dog is travel sick. Go to your veterinary and purchase tablets for a travel sick dog and follow the instructions to have a happier dog. If you have a dog that is scared to go into the car then invite him into the car using treats or his favourite toys while the car isn't moving. This will make your dog associate the car with a positive experience and is more likely to be calmer through the journey. You should practice this from at least a month before you go travelling with your dog.

3. Take plenty of water with you. This is even more important if it is a hot day as a car becomes very hot extremely quickly. Water is an essential at all times when travelling with your dog so make sure that you have enough for the journey there and back.

4. Take regular breaks. When you are travelling long distances, your dog is going to get understandably bored. You should stop travelling after every 2-3 hours to give your dog a short walk and let him stretch his legs. Doing this will make your dog much happier and your journey calmer.

Thorough preparation before any journey is essential to guarantee a pleasant and safe journey for you both.

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